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Cenote dredging and cave exploration

Dragado de Cenotes

Dragado de cenotes, estudios con georadar

We have the best solid pump equipment on the market for cenote dredging

Cenote dredging

With more than 25 years of experience in cenote exploration Georadardiscover has a great knowledge of the aquifer for cenote dredging in the Yucatan Peninsula

In the Riviera Maya and Tulum the Georadardiscover team has been explored, mapped and documented the longest underground rivers in the world that connect thousands of cenotes to each other, this gives Georadardiscover a great advantage in the knowledge of the behavior of water within the aquifer.

We have georadar equipment to detect the movement of water when it is impossible to dive the underground aquatic system; the georadar detects water veins without damaging the environment to perform the study.

We are the only cenote dredging company that has knowledge of cenote exploration, underwater cave mapping, geophysics, hydrogeology, surveying and data processing with georadar.

We are certified by international organizations to carry out such studies as well as we have the most advanced equipment.

If we take as an example that in the Mayan Riviera and Tulum are the longest underground rivers in the world.

As well as the largest number of cenotes and caverns.

This is why georadar is very important for dredging studies.

Cenotes dredging study

We recommend before performing a dredging do a previous study to understand the movement of water within the cenote, in order to be able to perform a dredging that results in a minimum impact on the environment, as well as at the end of dredging a cenote in excellent conditions.

That is why Georadardiscover has professionals in: Hydrogeology, Georadar Operators, post processing of data obtained with the georadar, underwater cartographers, cenote and dry cave explorers, Professional cave divers, videographers / Underwater photographers in cenotes, GPS positioning.

During the dredging we continue to carry out the study of the movement of water in order to capture where the main flow that feeds the cenote being so that studying this flow we can improve the efficiency of the dredging in the cenote.

This study is carried out with different techniques and equipment that we have as well as the experience in dredging cenotes.

Facilities of Georadardiscover:

. Cenote dredging.

. Studies with georadar.

. Exploration of cenotes and caves.

. Mapping of cenotes and caves.

• Underwater photography and video.

• Logistics for professional productions.

. Quality and water analysis in cenotes.

• Sampling for water analysis.

• Detection of pollution hotspots.

Dredging cenotes Riviera Maya,Tulum,Yucatan.
Cenote Georadar Estudy and Radargrama
Cenote Dredging Study with georadar

Data surveying video to dredge a cenote in Yucatan.

Video on searching the Main Water Entrance of the Cenote.

Feasibility study of Dredging in Riviera Maya.

Video on water flow research in Yucatan for cenote dredging.

Who we are in Georadardiscover

For this reason we consider that we have the best equipment both human and high precision equipment as well as the best experience.

If we look at the videos we present on this website, you can see the importance of a dredging study.

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